Thursday, January 20, 2011
- By ndcroamediasoft
Internet Download Manager 6.04 Build 2 Final - Multilingual - Full
Incl. New Crack UnREaL
Released: December 23, 2010Info:
Internet Download Manager (IDM) is a tool to increase download speeds by up to 500 percent, resume and schedule downloads. Comprehensive error recovery and resume capability will restart broken or interrupted downloads due to lost connections, network problems, computer shutdowns, or unexpected power outages. Simple graphic user interface makes IDM user frie
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Total Uninstall 5.9.2 6. (17 MB)
Powerful installation monitor, installation analyzer and uninstaller.Total Uninstall helps you monitor any changes that are made to your system during installation of a new software product allowing you to perform a complete uninstall without having to rely on the supplied uninstall program (which may leave files or changes behind).
To use it, you simply launch the installation program from the Total Uninstall interface and select the system areas to be monitored.
The program will then create a snapshot of your system before it installs the new software and an additional snapshot after install completes.
It then compares the two snapshots and displays all changes in a graphical tree view, marking all values and/or files that have been added or changed as well as some before/after details.
Total Uninstall will save these changes and if you decide to uninstall the application, it will reverse all changes to the previous state.
The aplication has support for several languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Brazilian-Portuguese, Greek, Polish, Norwegian, Russian, Czech, Romanian, Korean, Serbian, Slovak, Turkish, Ukrainian, Bulgarian.
Start the Total Uninstall wizard before installing a new application, enter a friendly name for monitored application and scan the system.
Run the application(s)/program setup.
Start the wizard again or continue if it's still active to re-scan the system and detect the system changes.
View the changes. Close the wizard.
Run the Total Uninstall when you want to view or restore the changes made by monitored application(s)/installing process.
Here are some key features of "Total Uninstall":
Monitor installation changes of registry and file system
Completely and thoroughly uninstall monitored applications
Statistics of detected changes
User configurable views of the detected changes
Easy browsing between monitored applications
Agent for notification of running installation programs
Perform search in detected changes
User configurable scanning profiles and uninstall profiles
Shared .dll file handling
Export to .txt; monitored application list, tree of changes and uninstall log
Print detected changes
Full Unicode support (if available)
The interface is translated in the following languages: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, Greek, Polish, Russian, Czech, Hungarian, Romanian, Korean, Serbian, Croatian.
What's New in This Release:
Automatic backup and restore of user settings to overcome data corruption that occurs particularly during a BSOD.
Fixed a potential error while taking the snapshot of installed services.
Some translations updated
Minor fixes
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